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Here's what you are missing out on:
Pagosa Adventure - August 16th-20th, 2022
The Early Bird Special was by March 31st - no spaces available!
Join our skilled photo team of instructors for five fun-filled days in Pagosa Springs, CO, high in the Rockies in SW Colorado! This will be an ideal time to advance your photography and equipment knowledge as instructors with many years of professional experience will be there to answer all of your questions and share tips to improve your images. As we go on field trips during the day we will discuss composition, lighting and editing tips to broaden your knowledge of photography.
Here's some things we'll be doing:
Milky Way night photography and how to capture distant stars and galaxies. Pagosa Springs is a dark sky area of the country so star gazing up here is amazing! Weather basics and helpful links to plan your next landscape photo shoot. You’ll also learn how seasons and time of day play an important role in creating better landscapes. Since mid-August is monsoon season in the Rockies, we may have the opportunity to shoot and chase afternoon thunderstorms along with learning how to expose and capture lightning. We will keep you busy with daily field trips to scenic areas in and around Pagosa Springs and some light duty hiking.
We start the workshop in the afternoon on Tuesday the 16th at a large home up in the mountains, just NW downtown Pagosa Springs and finish during the evening of Saturday the 20th. We will be conducting a short review of portfolios that day and projecting your top 10 images from the workshop after the sponsored dinner. We have room for six attendees to stay with us during the workshop. While we strongly urge attendees to stay with us, you are under no obligation to do so and we have pricing for lodging and non-lodging.
Click here for more detailed information on our workshop. Pagosa Photo Retreat
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Please review our FAQ’s page for cancellation policy, gear requirement on this page and cancellation policy.

Your Photo Workshop
Your Pagosa Springs, Colorado photo retreat is in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

5 exciting Days & 5 wonderful Nights.
Beginning Wednesday August 16, 2022 at 4pm until the end of the day on Saturday August 20th after a provided dinner!

Piedra Pines Lodge
is where we will meet and you’ll have the opportunity to get acquainted with the instructors, get a description of the week ahead, and socialize with the other participants. This rented home has a total of 6 available rooms.

Bring your gear!
Must have a DSLR with ISO 3200 or higher. Must have a lens thats 35mm or wider with f3.5 or lower (f2.8, f1.8, f1.4), and that lens MUST have a little window showing the infinity ∞ symbol. Must have a sturdy tripod (ballhead joint preferable).
We've got this!
- Small class size
- Beautiful locations
- 2 experienced instructors
- Relaxed & fun teaching style