We begin at 4pm in our big rental home just NW of Pagosa Springs, Colorado with the beverage of your choice and a few appetizers while we get to know each other. Once everyone is there, the instructors will get up and introduce themselves and then go over the details of the workshop. That evening is lightweight in the learning category, but strong in anticipation for what happens over the next several days. We will break around 6pm to let you get dinner on your own, or with a new friend, then maybe take a look around the area, and then settle in so that you are ready to go first thing Wednesday morning.
Each day we will head out to amazing locations chosen and scouted in advance by the two instructors that live in Colorado. You will have lots of opportunity to create your beautiful works of art with a knowledgeable professional close by to help with fine-tuning. One of our teachers is an expert for beginners, another for the mid-range and the third for the advanced -we have your back no matter where your experience level. We will also create outdoor environmental portraits while we discuss composition and lighting techniques.
Beautiful views, fresh air, wildlife, and more will be your amazing environment for the next several days. Each morning and afternoon we will have brief lessons, then you’ll photograph some the most beautiful parts of this planet in the ideal locations that we have thoughtfully planned for you.
You’ll be led by photography experts who are open and excited to share their knowledge. They will inspire you, accelerate your understanding, and elevate your photographs, while sharpening your skills, opening your mind, and focusing your mindset. With our small group size, you will receive plenty of in-the-field photographic instruction when you need it and you’ll be left alone when you don’t.
Weather basics and helpful links to plan your next landscape photo shoot. You’ll also learn how seasons and time of day play an important role in creating better photo scenics. Since mid-August is monsoon season in the Rockies, we may have the opportunity to shoot and chase afternoon thunderstorms along with learning how to expose and capture lightning.
During the evenings we will photograph the Milky Way and light painting in a dark sky area near Pagosa Springs.
You will be given much of one day to create and experience adventures of your own: go ballooning, golfing, kayaking, rafting, fishing, hiking, biking or just enjoy a break from the worst of the August summer heat, in an ideal area to just relax and recharge.
On Saturday the 20th we will be doing a short review of portfolios during the afternoon and projecting your top 10 images from the workshop. Then it will be time to get ready for the sponsored dinner! -not fancy, don't bring your tux or evening gown, but this will be a great way to wind up a fantastic photo adventure!
Please review our FAQ’s page for cancellation policy, gear requirement on this page and cancellation policy.